Thank-you 2022!
What an incredible year 2022 has been!
Thank-you for all your support during 2022 and we hope you are all having a lovely end of the year. 2022 has certainly been full of changes and exciting challenges. Distributor and supply chains changed and updated, interest rates increasing and staff shortages all around meaning delays and different challenges to deal with. We moved at the end of the year and it was harder and longer than we thought it would be! But we are so excited to have moved and have a space better suited to the needs of the business. We've added more issues and items to the store and are reviewing systems and functions for the new year. We are excited for what 2023 will bring and are already looking forward to so much!
We hope you have a chance to rest and recharge, spend some time doing the things you love and we look forward to sharing more comics with you in 2023!