Free Shipping until End of March
At Incognito Comics we want to take this moment to let you know that we are taking precautions to ensure we can continue delivering the same great service during this time. We understand that some within the community will be affected more than others and we want you to know that we are thinking of everyone. We want to work with you to keep you and ourselves safe. The store in Moorabbin remains open during regular hours and business is as usual (meaning super busy but happy to see friendly faces each day).
With that commitment in mind we are providing Free Shipping for all domestic orders over $95 placed from 17th March until the 31st March 2020 (at which time we will monitor the situation and take any further action necessary). To further alleviate any concern or stress for our regular customers we are more than happy to send any orders that have selected pick-up in-store and in-store Pull List orders. For pull list customers with 10 ongoing titles or more you are eligible for free shipping (this is instead of your in-store 10% off) and customers with less than 10 titles please contact us directly and we will organize a discounted shipping rate or suggest additional items such as bags and boards to reach the $95 shipping bonus.
Should anyone wish to change their in-store pick up please feel free to contact us via email
Thank-you for being part of our comic community and remember patting dogs is considered safe so Reggie is very much looking forward to seeing you next time you are in.
- Austin, Dominique & Reggie