Comic Book Issue Sets & Bundle Deals
We're back to adding comic books to the website and we have added some fantastic issue sets.
These issue bundles are fantastic and are the perfect way to pick up a whole story.
We want collecting comic books to be as easy as possible. It can be great to collect single issue comics and hunt down all the issues of a series, but sometimes you want to find the whole run and start reading!
To make collecting comics even EASIER we've begun providing single issues and ISSUE SETS.
You can find the Issue Sets we have available under the Bundle Deals tab on the website. We'll update and add to this collection every time we add a new Issue Set to the website.
If you are looking for a unique gift idea these are a great option!
Not just a trade paperback, or a (lovely) hardcover, an issue set that collects a whole run. Not only is this a great gift idea, it also means you can pick-up a whole run for yourself without the hassle of tracking down each individual issue.
We have a lot of bundles to list on the website along with boxes of single issues. We'll continue to work through our backlog around packing and shipping all orders as they come in.